Prevention and Communication Training for the Elderly aged 65+
2016 - 2018
Project webpage: http://www.walkandtalkproject.eu/
For the latest news, please, read our newsletters: Newsletter1, Newsletter 2, Newsletter 3, Newsletter 4, Newsletter 5.
About the project:
Seven organisations coming from seven different European countries with a long time experience in adult education in general and teaching senior citizens in particular, developed, implemented, disseminated and exploited in close collaboration a set of new, flexible and useful non-formal active aging training courses targeted at senior citizens 65+ that are based on the Walk’n’Talk methodology. As the name implies, these courses do not take place within the limited space situation of conventional classes, but outside in nature. The seniors in these courses walk in small groups, talk – and learn.
- - performance of the reserach with the aim to collect relevant information about the perception of the quality life among seniors 65+;
- - based on the results of the research, create a curriculum for the course built upon the Walk’n’Talk approach;
- - develop the training courses, one per each partner and pilot them in the real condition with the group of seniors;
- - develop a set of training materials that are necessary for the courses;
- - develop guidelines to help the potential users of these courses (or other courses based on the Walk’n’Talk approach) to communicate with stakeholders, especially the course participants, educators, authorities etc.
Project outputs (English language version):
Curriculum for Walk'n'Talk Pact 65+ courses
Training material Walk’n’Talk Pact 65+ courses
Stakeholders Management and Communication Guidelines for Walk’n’Talk courses
Project outputs (Czech language version):
Senioři v Evropské Unii: pocit životní pohody jako odraz kvality života
Kurikulum pro kurzy Walk'n'Talk Pact 65+
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